Stevie Nicks Still Rocks

Attached to my door was a black and white picture of a blonde woman in full song. The ragged edge down the long side betrayed...

Santa Rides for Free

8:00am, we stepped out of the front door onto the street. As we reached the corner shop a bemused African lady stopped, smiled and then...

Dying with my Boots On

The body was lying on its side, almost as if placed into the recovery position. Near to the blackthorn hedge at the second to bottom...

Actually, I'm not OK

(On simple things to keep your head above water...) For the first time in a very long time, when I think about the future, it...

Haircut Memories

As you approach the small Sussex town of Uckfield from the top of the hill, houses begin to give way to the old high street....

Journal message for the New Year

A Message for the New Year

It's a new year. Out with the old, in with the new. New possibilities. New opportunities. Hold the hounds of despair at bay. They do...

Furlough Days

Every morning I get up and make three cups of tea. One normal tea with milk, one weak tea with soya-light milk, one biscuit tea...

Let's talk about Coronavirus

I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see...

2020 - A Year of Less

During the Christmas and New Year holiday of 2019 I did what I often do and reflected on the passing year and what I would...