53 things I have learnt in my lifetime
Today I became yet another year older and maybe another year wiser. So in order to celebrate the fact that I'm still here, on planet earth, I thought I would take the time to share 53 things that I've picked up along the way. I hope you'll find some of them useful dear reader.
- Habits beat willpower.
- A lot of the things your parents and grandparents told you, that you ignored, probably were correct.
- Stop trying to not put in the work. Lifehacks are hollow.
- However old you get, inside you’re still that teenager, or twenty something year old trying to work it all out.
- Don’t settle for bad coffee.
- Don’t settle. Full stop.
- You cannot out exercise a bad diet.
- Don’t look for the one correct diet, or way of eating. Pick one and stick with it. I’ve counted calories, eaten high fat and protein, juiced. All of these worked, until I stopped doing them.
- Reading books is a better use of time than reading online. Preferably paper. The difficulty in getting a book published, weeds out most of the charlatans.
- Running is as good for your mind as your body. Run barefoot and use the MAF technique to save your knees and your body.
- Nothing is as soft as a Whippet’s ear.
- If you are going to read online, read more blogs, yes blogs. The whole weird world is there and there is a far lower rate of “influencers”.
- Play board games with your friends and family.
- The Breakfast Club is the best 80’s movie ever made.
- Trust your gut. Trust your instinct. If you consistently go against these, parts of your body you will make yourself physically or mentally ill.
- Learn to say “No” without giving a justification.
- When your child suggests doing something with you, learn to say “Yes” more often.
- Talk to the people you love as much as you can. One day they won’t be there to talk to anymore and you WILL miss them.
- Writing in a blog, beats writing on social media.
- Writing in a Journal, beats anything. And may give you material to write on your blog.
- You have fewer friends than you think you have, but more than you need.
- Worry never solved anything.
- Get outside every day.
- Your job does not define you.
- Sometimes you have to just jump in feet first without knowing where things will go. If I hadn’t done this, I would not be a husband or parent.
- Love is more of a verb than a noun.
- When feeling timid or intimidated by somebody famous or of high importance, the adage taught to me by John, a farm worker I spent my summer holidays with always helps to build confidence “Remember, his sh*t stinks just like everyone else's.”
- Lots of problems are solvable by sitting down with a mug of tea.
- Listen to the people who tell you to look after your back. I didn’t. I wish I had done so.
- Life really is not black and white. The older I get, the more I see shades of grey.
- Go easy on other people. The person on the pavement next to you is also loving or grieving or worried or trying to work out the world.
- As you get older, time really does seem to move faster and faster. Be mindful to cherish as many moments as you can.
- You can have a big positive impact on the world. You are also insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. Take courage and peace from both of these facts.
- Try to treat yourself as if you were a friend. Listen to the language you use on yourself, would you say this to someone else, or to a child?
- At the end of the day, you are always alone.
- Forgiveness is as much for healing the forgiver as the forgivee.
- Vetiver is the best scent.
- Make things with your hands, often.
- Giving your time to help others always gives you back rewards, but you’ll never quite know how nature will delight you.
- Memento Mori - think on this often. Live by it.
- The Kit-Kat is the greatest chocolate bar ever made.
- There are seasons and cycles in life. Don’t fight them, but remember that whatever one you find yourself in will eventually change into another. Nothing stays the same.
- Be aware of false assumptions you tell yourself. Question yourself often.
- Embrace the opportunity provided by the fact that most of the time nobody cares.
- If you don’t have a clear idea of what you are going to do, someone else will fill in your time by getting you to act on their agenda.
- Your employers job is to get the most out of you for the least pay. The sooner you internalise this and get at peace with it, the better.
- Never waste time shouting at strangers on social media.
- Be aware that you have a reflected sense of self, but fight against the tendency to become dependant upon it.
- Nothing gets solved between 11pm and 4am.
- Keep a paper notebook with you.
- It’s good to remember that opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one.
- Be grateful, just the fact that you are alive, right now, on this planet, is an amazing thing.
- If nothing else, be kind.