Introducing Notebookerie

My favourite notebook is not a Bullet Journal. There I've said it. It might be a sun-bleached facsimile of Penguin Books "Man and Superman", with...

Bluebell Wood

Afloat on a Sea of Bluebells

I was afraid that I was going to miss the spectacle. The link with an event that has taken place, probably for millennia. Those first...

Running into Kenneth Thomas

As views from your home, this is hard to beat. Yesterday, I met more than just one fisherman. Earlier on my route I encountered an...

Respect to the Bird

On my long run this morning (6.97 miles - oh yeah!), as I passed underneath the beautiful old bridge, I came across a man fishing...

Furlough Days

Every morning I get up and make three cups of tea. One normal tea with milk, one weak tea with soya-light milk, one biscuit tea...

Lockdown Moon Noticing

I've taken my fair share of moon photo's over time. We all see it, sometimes we appreciate it. But how often do we really notice...

Dear Internet

When you're writing for the web, for "your audience", for SEO, you're not being honest. Screw the clickbait, the polish, the listicle. Tell me about...

Bare Trees and February Skies

One of the annoying, yet sometimes interesting features of online photo storage such as Google Photos and even Microsoft's One Drive is the suggestion that...

A February Night Walk

Maybe it's because the days also seem dark, groundhog days. Or just that with working from home, whilst also supervising the 8 year old's home...

The Thing About Blogging

The thing about blogging is that it’s not me saying "I know something, I’m an expert." It’s me working things out, and trying to become...