Everything about this picture brings me joy
This image pretty much sums up everything that I am thankful for in my life. I don't need much. Neither do you.
This image pretty much sums up everything that I am thankful for in my life. I don't need much. Neither do you.
I mean, it’s sort of like a cult of personality. It’s like in North Korea or some regime where the religion is your purpose to...
As you might know, in January I decided to pull the plug on all non-essential internet and web hee-haws. I’d had an email from Cal...
I'm having a digital declutter in January. Cal Newport in his email newsletter asked if anyone wanted to take part in a digital declutter in January....
It’s at around the 2 mile mark when I’m aware that I’m not thinking about what I’m doing anymore. It’s the Buzzard that flies overhead,...
As the clock on my ageing work laptop showed 12.30pm I closed down Outlook and powered everything off. 12.35pm, I was upstairs, shoehorning myself into...
An old school friend whom I'd not spoken to for years suddenly connected with me. We'd spent a long time together as teens. Life had...
I've just got into an argument with somebody, I'm confused by all of the options and I'm not sure if you'll still want to be...
Both my wife and I recently invested in some Fitbits as a way to be more aware of our health goals. We chose the Fitbit...
The scent of fresh wood is among the last things you will forget when the veil falls. The scent of fresh white wood in the...
If I'm lucky, I'm only going to get 33 more chances to walk through springtime woodland, carpeted with Bluebells. If I'm unlucky this spring could...
Now that the clocks have gone forward and the days are getting longer I'm starting to plan some holiday and adventures for the spring and...